Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization)

DASTA aims to be “an organization with excellence in a sustainable tourism development for the happiness of communities”

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         Group Captain Athikun Kongmee is leading DASTA to become “an organization with excellence in a sustainable tourism development for the happiness of communities” which corresponds with a national strategic master plan. DASTA is a middle person who coordinates, supports, and encourages all related associates to help in an integrated area for tourism management. DASTA also closely works with local governments and tourist attraction areas in order to develop potential areas for tourism.

          The director of the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) or DASTA, Group Captain Athikun Kongmee has revealed that DASTA has initiated a 4-year strategic plan (2019 – 2022) with a vision to move toward becoming “an organization with excellence in a sustainable tourism development for the happiness of communities”.

Group Captain Athikun Kongmee

          Below are the tasks that need to be taken during this year until 2022:

          1) Develop role model areas to create a community-based tourism;
          2) Develop the management of community-based tourism;
          3) Encourage a creative tourism to strengthen a community’s economy; and
          4) Work with associates to integrate and improve the tourism management.

          DASTA’s 4-year strategic plan (2019 – 2022) is comprised of 4 strategies as follows:

          1) Effectively manage designated areas and make them become role models for a sustainable tourism;
          2) Develop and support role model areas with sustainable community-based tourism;
          3) Integrate, coordinate, and encourage a participation of all associates in the tourism management; and
          4) Move forward to become an organization with excellence in the tourism management focusing on the sustainable tourism development and the connection of important tourist attraction areas to create a balance in the society and the environment.

          The abovementioned lists of tasks and strategies of DASTA are consistent with the national strategic master plan. DASTA is a middle person who coordinates, supports, and encourages all related associates to help in an integrated area for tourism management. Additionally, DASTA works with the local governments and tourist attraction areas in order to develop potential areas for tourism to have a standardized management. The standardized management mentioned here includes a co-creation participation, a low carbon or environmentally friendly tourism, and a creative tourism with a clear-cut process of designing and incorporating creativity with tourism. This process is called “The 3S Principles” which consist of:

          1. Stories: telling stories of local cultures and traditions through a research, writing, design, and interesting presentation;
          2. Senses: being able to perceive by the senses which are seeing, smelling, hearing, touching, and tasting;
          3. Sophistication: activities are smooth, different, outstanding as well as sparking creative ideas. The activities should continuously be improved and new activities should be added. The communication and demonstration of the activities should be sophisticated and thoughtful and be presented in the right way to capture an audience’s attention.