Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization)

Managing Natural Resources, Environment and Cultural Capital towards Sustainable Tourism

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Project Title: Managing Natural Resources, Environment and Cultural Capital towards Sustainable Tourism

Year: 2021

Implementation of the project 

Carrying capacity is assessed for the following objectives:

-    Guidelines to cope with overtourism

-   Appropriate and efficient plan for infrastructural, environmental, psychological, cultural and economic management with low impacts to environment

-    Application of the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC) to develop 6 designated areas of DASTA


1.  Carrying Capacity of each tourist attraction is assessed.
2. The measures for site management correspond with carrying capacity of each area.


1. The result of carrying capacity assessment has been accepted by stakeholders in the area, such as government organizations, private agencies, educational institutions, local communities, tourists and entrepreneurs.
2. The measures for site management have been accepted and applied to solve and prevent overtourism problem and to enhance carrying capacity.


1.  Each tourist attraction has an efficient management system which suits its carrying capacity and protect natural resources and environment. This leads to sustainable tourism and better ranking in environmental sustainability of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI).   
2.  Stakeholders in the area have a correct understanding and place importance on carrying capacity of the area.
3. The image of each tourist attraction has been recognized both in Thailand and foreign countries, resulting in competitiveness enhancement of Thai tourism.